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£0 to pay today. Choose pay in 3 for interest free

  • • Or pay in instalments of 6-36 months
  • • Control your instalments in the app
  • • Shop across a network of retailers
  • • Earn points every time you shop
Representative APR: 29.9% (variable).
If you choose to pay over 6 months or longer.
Minimum eligibility requirements: Aged over 18, UK resident, Income over £7,500.
Jack Wills Limited (FRN: 1000008) trading as ‘Jack Wills’ is acting as a credit broker not a lender.
Frasers Plus is a credit product provided by Frasers Group Financial Services Ltd. Terms apply. Missed payments may affect your credit score.
FrasersPlus Pay over 3 months
Pay over 3 months, interest free
Break your purchase into 3 instalments, over 3 months, interest-free.
Nothing to pay at check out
Nothing to pay at checkout
Nothing to pay upfront, your purchase will be added to your account. Then choose the instalment plan that suits you in the app.
Control how you pay
Control how you pay & when
Pay your bill in full. Or If you need longer you can choose 6, 12, 24 or 36 months; you'll always know how much that'll cost upfront including interest.
Earn exclusive rewards
Get 1 point for every £1 you spend* and look out for special points offers. Turn your points into rewards and treat yourself to something special....on us. *(Ts&Cs apply)
Frequently asked questions

You’re in control

With Frasers Plus you have control of how you spend and repay. The app will show you your future monthly payments, outstanding balance, and any interest charges. You’ll get smart alerts so you never miss a payment. And you can adjust your instalment plan with no penalties or fees. See your points and rewards balance in the app and there's support via chat if you need it.
Got any questions? See our FAQs, Privacy policy and Loyalty terms.
Jack Wills Limited (FRN: 1000008), trading as ‘Jack Wills’, is an appointed representative of Frasers Group Credit Broking Limited (FRN: 947961) who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as a credit broker not a lender. Frasers Plus is a credit product provided by Frasers Group Financial Services Limited (FRN: 311908) and is subject to your financial circumstances. Missed payments may affect your credit score. For regulated payment services, Frasers Group Financial Services Limited is a payment agent of Transact Payments Limited, a company authorised and regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission as an electronic money institution.